The do's and don'ts of modern investor relations

Are you prepared for modern investor relations? Read our top do's and don'ts to find out!

  • Start with current corporate governance documents


    DO: Establish corporate bylaws, articles of incorporation and offering memoranda that give you the flexibility to reduce expenses and increase convenience for investors.

    DON'T: Rely on outdated templates for bylaws, articles of incorporation and memoranda that have not kept up with technology and investor preferences.

  • Go digital from the start


    DO: Make sure your corporate governance documents allow for a default to issuing book-entry shares rather than paper certificates AND establishes email as the primary means of communication with investors.

    DON'T: Postpone the decision to default to book entry and e-comms. Changes down the road may require a special meeting or shareholder vote.

  • Stay focused on your business


    DO: Start working with a transfer agent early. A transfer agent keeps your records in the right way from the very start. You’ll have established the governance infrastructure that can help you avoid issues as your company grows.

    DON'T: Spend valuable time and energy to tracking records and keeping up with regulatory changes. Use that time to focus on your business!

  • Keep your eye on the big picture


    DO: Partner with a transfer agent that can support your corporate lifecycle from startup to IPO and beyond.

    DON'T: Think short-term. By working with the right partner you can access the services you need when you need them, without having to shop around at each stage.

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